Friday, October 5, 2012

chase your dream

alhamdulillah.. spt entry seblom ni.. aku dpt promotion laa utk jadi senior..

namun begitu sehari selepas itu aku dpt offer kt kampeni lain untuk jadi editor dan membuat layout utk product2 syampu dsb..

skali lagi aku mcm terpaksa buat pilihan.. da lama teringin nak edit2 gambo.. edit2 layout.malah sejak aku dpt interview dr client tu pon da berangan2 nak perform la kononnye..

namun bak kata org kampung aku, u gain one u lose one..job scope die mmg bley dikatakan idaman gak laa.. cuma salary package die tak menarik..
yerr yerr saya faham.. duit boley dicari..
tapi i need money to survive.. dgn yg ada skrg ni pon budget agak ketat gitu..

dpt promotion lak,

gain new knowledge.. selama ni duk dlm bidang operation.. terasa mcm nak hold status senior tu dlm setahun dua.. nak explore dunia pentadbiran plak mcm mana.. how to communicate dgn org dsb.. i'm excited but i realize its gonna be tough..

again.. aku dlm dilema...


i did some short research..

dptkan pendapat org2 yg bekerja di kampeni sana...

mapkan kt atas kertas.. pro n cons.. (tapi hasilnya agak seimbang)

kira budget bulanan yg mana lebih tidak membebankan..

tanya pendapat mak mcm mana..

i looked around.. see the faces yg selama ni byk membantu suka duka kehidupan aku..

had discussion from my manager.. seriously i cannot digest her words because she spoke as a manager eventho she said, as a fren... haha sori angie

my manager is smart enuff(thats why she became a manager) to assign me to talk to director.. we do not know each other so i can be more modest to him. we talked, laughed, cried for almost 45minutes and then i decided to stay...

yes,, i decided to stay, itu bermaksud i have to give up my dream.. i gave up the thing that i want to do the most in my entire life.. and it's the saddest moment in my life... i cried because im not a 'hantam sajalaahhh labu' person anymore.. and i cried because someone who near to my heart cannot understand my decision... and we dont talk until now..

now its time for me to nursing my broken heart.. its not easy beb.. seriously.. nursing myself 1st after that i will say sorry to my apple..

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