Wednesday, September 27, 2017

the hardest journey

one of my hardest time in my life.

instead of losing my dad, got worst performance evaluation from my manager, and losing him.

hari ni,
tangan shaking, hati pedih mendidih, i really want to shout to him that how hurt i am and how i miss him so bad.

tgn menggeletar nak pegang mouse, how to call my partner dgn suara yg shaking... yg mana ko kene keep profesional and tak terbawa2 masalah peribadi kt ofis, yg ko kene tahan all the sadness, and smile in front of your colleagues...

yg aku tak boleh nak jejak kedai2 dan tempat2 yg aku spend masa dgn dia, the first place we had meals together... sampai kedai last yg mana dia ckp dia dan mak dia taleh terima aku.....

my god, im so sad... extremely sad

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